Thursday, May 3, 2012

Sherlock Holmes Steps into the 21st-Century

      The classic stories of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle have been done, redone and done again numerous times. One remake of these classic tales of mystery are the Sherlock Holmes action movies that hit theaters in December of 2010 and followed by a sequel in December of 2011. These movies made decent action films but lacked an authentic classic Sherlock Holmes feel. In comparison, another recent Sherlock Holmes come to us from BBC in the form of a three episode TV series.
     What BBC has done is not only have they taken plots that have been done many times over with remarkable results but also beautify brought these classics into the 21st-century. Creators Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss have taken Sherlock Holmes and Dr. John Watson and landed them in the middle of modern day London solving crimes in the media age, while still keeping true to classic Holmes.
     Gatiss and Moffat's 21st-century Sherlock Holmes incorporates elements of classic Holmes and brings them into this century. Some things from classic Holmes that have been brought up to date include:

  • Smoking habit/the classic pipe –––> Nicotine patch
  • Holmes trench coat  –––> trade mark jacket w/ scarf 
  • Magnifying glass  –––> tiny pocket magnifying glass
  • Watson's journal  –––> a blog
  • Holme's arms (if you can call it that) of lost children  –––> London's homeless population 
  • Both versions have a veiled allusion to drug use
  • The classic Holmes hat (to be introduced in season two)
Smoking is more generally frowned upon these days, so if Sherlock does smoke what does he do? He's got a nicotine patch of course. As for Watson's journal that recounted all the stories (which is the point of view the original stories are written from), what is the modern equivalency of a journal? How about a blog? Living in a media age Holmes is not only cleaver and cunning but is also fully technologically adept. This retelling and modernizing of Sherlock Holmes is both classic and witty, as well as modern and well done. With the dynamic Holmes/Watson duo back in action and up to date this is one series worth watching. 

To give you guys some sort of idea about what I've been going on about here's two short clips:

     Season One of this show was been such a hit both in the UK, where it was created, as well as over seas here in America that it was granted a second season. BBC America will be airing the next installment of three episodes Sunday May 6th, 13th and 20th on PBS channel 10 at 9pm. Rarely are second seasons as good as the first. Only time will tell if season two will sink or float, so to speak. 
     Stay Tuned for my review of season two next week. 

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